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Love Is All Around
Start From Scratch
Our Beautiful Wedding
Love Is All Around
Our Beautiful Wedding
I love You
Seaside Adventures
Fun Moments
Welcome Home Baby!
Everyday Happiness
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I love You
Holiday Cheer
Celebrating New Year
Mix ā€˜Nā€™ Match template Collection


Project Title: Josie's first three years


year 1


Nutritional needs for both of us!


I was still breastfeeding for the whole year but I began to introduce you to solids at about six months. Your favorites are bananas and oameal, peaches and peas.




-chicken pox -diphtheria, tetanus -whooping cough -haemophilus influenza -measles, mumps -polio -pneumococcal -hepatits -influenza


At home with you!


you are very attached to me, your mother. you love you some dad time but hate it when I leave. you have always been that way.


we both work, so you have been going to daycare recently, you go 3 times a week, and stay with grandma on Fridays. you love grandmas house, and playing with her dogs.


During the first few months we didn't have to "baby proof" as much since you weren't active. But now that you are crawling and pulling yourself up, we had to put up baby gates, block the electric plugs, add foam edges to the tables, and we have to make sure to keep the doors shut.


year 2


year 3

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