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Project Title: Reasons&nbsp;<br><br>


Reasons WHY


When people ask me why do I like being different I say '' I like being different because its cool. But even though To you I might be strange to me and my family and friends I'm normal and cool you might not like the way I am but I like it and I'm not going to change .


when people ask me why are you nice I say' 'I'm nice because if you say mean things to someone it hurts their felling's and why put some one down when you can lift them up.


When people ask why do I cry I say' I cry to show my emotions when I cry I'm sad we use emotions every day to show how we feel if I smile I'm happy.


People ask me why do I forgive I say ' I forgive people for what they done to me because if I did something I would want someone to for give me right and because every one deserves a second chance once in a while people have bad days and say things they don't mean.

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